Inpatient Physical Therapy
What it is:
PTs are movement dysfunction specialists. Inpatient PTs perform gait analysis and training, safe mobility assessments, functional exercise prescription and dosing, and safe discharge recommendations.
**Research shows that patients are 2.9 times more likely to be readmitted when PT discharge recommendations are not followed[1]
How to consult:
Use Rehab Med- Acute Inpatient Therapy Consult
Document change from patient’s baseline level of mobility prior to admit (examples: independent, uses walker, wheelchair dependent)
Answer EACH question in the consult (ie weight bearing status, precautions) -- without this information we cannot safely evaluate the patient and initiation of inpatient PT will be delayed
Please place Team# on the consult
When to consult:
Change in functional mobility compared to pre-admission abilities
Acute onset weakness or difficulty with gait
Post-op condition
Evaluate for prosthetic device
Need placement recommendations
For ALL Armed Forces Retirement (Soldiers) Home residents
Occupational Therapy (OT) should be consulted for assessment of Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s)
When NOT to consult:
Skilled therapy does not include OOB to chair, basic ambulation, or PROM
Patient unable to follow commands, decreased arousal/sedation, etoh withdrawal
Patient is unwilling to participate
Patient is at their baseline functional mobility
Replacement assistive devices – PLACE ORDER for AD and report to GC210
From the ER/ MAR team – please do not place consult unless patient is with a team
RASS (Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale
Score +3 Very Agitated – pulls or removes tubes or catheters, aggressive
Score +4 Combative – overtly combative, violent, immediate danger to staff
Score -4 Deep sedation – no response to voice, but movement or eye opening to physical stimulation
Alertness &/or Agitation Measures:
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment (CIWA)
hold physical therapy if score is > 8
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RAAS)
hold physical therapy if score is > 2 or < -2
Vital Signs **Hold and engage team (HET)
Blood Pressure
Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) – HET > 200mmHg or < 90mmHg
Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) – HET > 110mmHg or < 40mmHg
Orthostatic Hypotension (OTH) – HET for a decrease in SBP > 20mmHg &/or DBP > 10mmHg with positional change
Heat Rate
HET if resting > 120bpm or < 50bpm
**Monitor and Reassess if HR increases by 50bpm or decreases by > 15bpm proceed to discuss with medical team
Mean Arterial Pressure
HET therapy if MAP is <65mmHG or > 110mmHG
Oxygen Saturation
HET if resting O2sat < 85% or a decrease of > 4% occurs with activity-discuss with medical team
Respiratory Rate
HET therapy if RR is > 30bpm or < 5bpm
HET therapy if temperature is > 101.5
Laboratory Values
Blood Glucose
HET therapy if hyperglycemic ≥ 300mg/dL or hypoglycemic ≤ 70mg/dL
Hematocrit (Hct)
Hemoglobin (hgb)
Hgb < 8g/dL & Hct < 25% functional mobility restricted to bedside assessment
Hgb < 7g/dL & Hct < 20% hold therapy after consulting with medical team
***if patient has baseline anemia therapy will need written clearance by medical team for functional mobility < 7g/dL and Hct <20%
[written clearance obtained via consult or addendum on therapy note]
International Normalized Ratio (INR)
Ratio of 0.8 - 1.2
therapeutic range for CVA prophylaxis
Ratio of 2.0 – 2.5
therapeutic range for VTE, PE &/or Afib
Ratio of 2.5 – 3.5
therapeutic range for patients at higher risk
Ratio > 3.5
Written clearance for mobility by medical team
Ratio > 5.0
Hold physical therapy
Platelet Count (PLT)
HET for PLT < 10,000 K/cmm
Potassium (K)
HET for Potassium <3.0 or >5.5mmol/L
Prothrombin Time (PTT)
HET if PTT is > 25seconds due to high risk of bleeding into tissues
> 0.04ng/mL is a sign of a new onset heart dysfunction ---if troponin is elevated without a reasonable differential diagnosis, contact medical team and monitor troponin ONLY initiate therapy 24 hours after the peak troponin level or two consecutive down-trending values
HET if new WBC> 9.5 obtain written clearance by medical team for functional mobility
Medical or Diagnostic Procedures
Arterial Blood Gases (ABG)
if ordered statim (STAT) then hold therapy
Blood Transfusion
Hold until a new complete blood count (CBC) is completed with Hgb & Hct (>7/20 see above)
Bone Scan &/or X-ray imaging
for a suspected fracture - if positive for a new diagnosis, then physical therapy will discharge from caseload requiring a new consultation with updated precaution (i.e. weight bearing status)
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Line
hold therapy for 24 hours
Rapid Response Team (RRT)/Code Blue
therapy will discharge from caseload requiring a new consultation
DVT, Ventilation Perfusion (VQ) scan or Venous Doppler
Suspected new DVT, PE, or VTE – hold therapy until appropriately anticoagulated 24 hours