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Inpatient vaccination

COVID Vaccine

If your patient qualifies for the COVID vaccine:

Initial dose




Second Dose:

- 3 weeks from first dose if Pfizer

- 4 weeks from first dose if Moderna





6 months from second dose(Either Pfizer or Moderna)

2 months from J&J


Please write order for COVID Vaccine to be administered by nursing and contact nursing to inform them of the new order


Influenza vaccine

Each veteran should receive their influenza vaccination every fall. If after discussion with the veteran, they would like to obtain the influenza vaccine while in the hospital


Orders-->Add New Orders-->Medications->Flu Vaccine


Order Flu Vaccine(single) for veterans <65 years of age

Order Flue Vaccine(High dose) for veterans >65 years of age


Please inform the nurse of the vaccine order

Pneumococcal Vaccine

Pneumococcal vaccine may be ordered at any time during the veteran's inpatient hospitalization.  Please see below attachments for indications for each vaccine, as the guidelines have recently changed.


To order the pneumococcal vaccine:


Go to Orders-->Add New Order-->Medication-->Pneumovax(Pneumococcal 23 Val) Vaccine OR Prevnar(Pneumococcal 13 Val) Vaccine


Please inform the nurse of the vaccine order


Washington DC VAMC

50 Irving St NW

Washington, DC 20422

Phone: 202-745-8000



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